3 things YOU need to KNOWabout the AI

Mir Hasibullah Zia
2 min readJun 26, 2023


  1. AI is not just science fiction — it’s already a part of your daily life! Imagine waking up to an alarm that knows the perfect time to gently nudge you out of dreamland, or hopping in your car and having it suggest the fastest route to work based on real-time traffic data. AI is all around us! It’s the technology that enables your phone to understand your voice commands, recommends movies on streaming platforms, and even helps doctors diagnose diseases more accurately. So, embrace the future because AI is here to stay!
  2. AI learns and evolves like a clever chameleon. Remember how you learned to ride a bike? At first, it was tough, but with practice, it became second nature. Well, AI works in a similar way! It starts with lots of data and algorithms that allow it to learn and improve over time. It’s like a chameleon changing colors — it adapts to different situations and gets better at making predictions or recognizing patterns. This ability to learn and evolve is what makes AI so powerful and exciting!
  3. AI is designed to assist, not replace, humans. Contrary to what sci-fi movies might suggest, AI isn’t out to replace us! Instead, it’s designed to be our helpful sidekick, like a trusty partner in crime. AI is great at handling repetitive and time-consuming tasks, freeing us humans to focus on the things we’re best at — creativity, empathy, and critical thinking. It can assist doctors in analyzing medical images, help teachers personalize education for students, and even aid scientists in discovering new insights. So, fear not! AI is here to complement our abilities and make our lives easier.

ℹ️ : In summary, AI is already a part of our everyday lives, constantly learning and evolving like a clever chameleon. It’s designed to assist and enhance human capabilities, not replace us. So, embrace the AI revolution and let’s explore the exciting possibilities it brings to our world!



Mir Hasibullah Zia

Hi. I'm Hasib, a Tech enthusiast. My goal is to deliver and write the most insightful topics about AI, Crypto, WEB3, and Technology. So you are welcome ;)